Some History . . . . .
After moving to Tucson in 2002, my wife and I discovered Mt. Lemmon, shortly after the devastating Aspen fire of 2003. We found two lots in Summerhaven in 2004, and completed a small cabin by 2009. We love the whole Sonoran Desert, but found our center here in Summerhaven among pine trees, deer, birds, and wild turkeys - which yes, I know, are birds, but lets face it, they are different! The community of people here is very special, and makes the whole experience richer.
The mountain combined with the Sonoran Desert create a unique location, where truly there is a "sense of place." It is constant table of riches for any photographer, and has encouraged me to pursue a life long hobby and to grow personally in special ways. Digital photography allows an abundance of sharing (maybe too much at times!) providing an opportunity to put images that 50 years ago would be sitting in folders or shoeboxes, into collections, such as this website, hopefully creating something of greater value than its component parts. I hope you enjoy the site, and look forward to hearing from you. Contact me here. All photographs on this site Copyright Henry Johnson. Use by permission only. |