Fall in the Catalinas
Summer gives way to fall gradually in the Catalinas. The days get noticeably shorter as the earth moves toward the equinox. The ferns and cow parsnip by the streams that were so green in July begin to fade and brown out, and the the summer gang of birds begins thins out, likely moving to better foraging areas.
The leaves begin to turn in mid to late October, and can be found in abundance in Bear Wallow, a high country valley that crosses the highway running West/East at about mile post 22. See map below. Image to right, Bear Wallow 2010.
Bear Wallow, 2010. Culvert that runs under the highway can be seen toward the bottom, background.
Bear Wallow, October 17, 2015.
Yearling buck and doe, adjacent to Middle Sabino Avenue, Summerhaven. October 2015
Bear Wallow, 2009.
Wild turkey, actually photographed in April of 2010, but he looks like he is trying to avoid being dinner on Thanksgiving, so I include him here. Wild turkeys were introduced to the mountain some years ago, and are thriving. More information here.